You can complete an online application using the form below. Once completed, you will receive a copy of your application. Or if you prefer, you can download an application to complete and return via email.
By completing the application form to join the association members are agreeing to accept and conform to the CNITA constitution and the CNITA code of professional practice and ethics. Both of these documents can be downloaded below:
Why become a Member?
The CNITA was established over 100 years ago to primarily serve its members in the magnetic compass manufacture and maintenance businesses with chart agents also now becoming a major group within the association.
As an organisation we respect our roots but also embrace the future and we are putting our weight behind any developments which will assist in transition from Paper to Digital navigation, hence we participate in working groups and provide joint advice to all major publishers. Any company which wishes to improve digital distribution of nautical products would benefit from being a member of CNITA as we are advocating for a common framework approach when it comes to digital data.
CNITA Compass adjusters are highly qualified and have either MCA certification of competence or, for some overseas members, the equivalent level from their local authority.
Separate committee meetings throughout the year are held for chart agents and compass adjusters with an annual general meeting. The Executive Committee is responsible for overseeing the running of the association, for more information about the Executive Committee see the About page.
As a member of the CNITA, committee meetings are an excellent way of communicating with the owners or senior management of most of the major players in the industry. Whilst members are all competitors, we do have a lot in common when dealing with our suppliers which is why collectively as an association we have been able to lobby UKHO and other industry bodies and have in some circumstances been able to negotiate policy changes. We work collectively as an association as we feel that together we are stronger than one organisation on its own.
Members are invited to take part in surveys to provide collective responses on industry changes and also receive a newsletter to keep up to date with association activities.
The CNITA is a well-respected association and recognised within the industry which is also attributed to why we have been able to successfully negotiate on policy decisions on behalf of our members.