CNITA Members Charter
The founding objectives of the Association were, and continue to be:
- To secure by mutual co-operation a general improvement in the manufacture and production of the instruments manufactured or dealt in by the Members.
- To originate, develop and promote all means within the scope of the trade for ensuring and increasing the safety and efficiency of navigation and shipping.
- To advance and improve the education, technical and general knowledge, and apprenticeship of persons engaged in, or about to engage in, the trade, or any employment in connection therewith.
Charter Standards
This Charter outlines the standards that all members agree to abide to when conducting business. The membership of CNITA therefore demonstrates to customers that we do business based on the common values of integrity, honesty, fairness and transparency and can be seen to be responsible and ethical participants in the markets in which we operate around the globe.
We Work Together to Improve Safety
CNITA members work as a team within the marine industry to improve the safety of life at sea. We work with common standards to improve safety by ensuring, as far as possible, that our customers follow the regulations as set out in SOLAS. This ensures that customers vessels have the latest up to date charts and publications on board and that all equipment, especially compasses are adjusted and maintained as per SOLAS.
We Comply with the Law
CNITA members, their employees and agents comply with all the laws and regulations of the countries in which they operate. This especially includes working hard against counterfeit products and by abiding rigidly to all copyright laws.
We Compete Fairly
CNITA members believe in competing fairly and vigorously in our market sectors and do not engage in agreements, business practices or conduct that, as a matter of law, are anti-competitive.
We Act with Integrity in All Our Business Dealings
CNITA members act with integrity at all times, we do not offer, promise, give, demand or accept bribes or other unethical advantage in order to obtain, retain or give business or other advantage. Bribery and corruption have absolutely no place within the business of CNITA members.
We Treat Suppliers, Partners and Customers Fairly
CNITA members pay suppliers promptly within agreed terms of business and ensure that agents, distributors and others working on their behalf act in accordance with the values and standards set out in this Charter.
We Treat Our Employees Respectfully
CNITA members treat their employees with respect and dignity and comply with anti-discrimination requirements in the relevant jurisdictions concerning matters of race, colour, national origin, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, religious belief, age or physical or mental disability.
We Contribute to Healthy, Safe and Secure Workplaces
CNITA members commit to conducting all their activities in a manner which achieves the highest practicable standards of health and safety.
We Respect the Environment
CNITA members commit to ensuring that, as far as reasonably practicable, any detrimental effects of its activities, products and services upon the environment are minimised.
We Respect Human Rights
CNITA members seek to uphold all internationally recognised human rights wherever its operations are located.
The Code Applies to All Members
CNITA members will bring promptly to the organisation’s attention any suspected or actual breaches of this Charter. CNITA members work hard to achieve more efficiencies within the industry by using its resources effectively and we do so, as a united group who honour the fundamental principles of maintaining good working relationships, by supporting and respecting one another.
Join the CNITA Now
Are you an official ADMIRALTY chart agent or approved Compass Adjuster? Interested in becoming a member of CNITA? If so, please, contact our Secretaries, or click the button below to complete an online application form: